Online Interactive Agile Beta Course

Organizer: Dan Greening, dan/at\, Citrix Online

Mailing List:


Vision: This vision has three stages.

  1. Create a beta online training course for Scrum and team-based agile development, starting with alpha in our own companies, then expanding to small engineering teams outside.  This stage would evaluate the online medium and adapt games and presentation styles to fit the medium. The major disadvantage is that online meetings limit the interaction and game opportunities; the major advantages are radical cost reduction and market expansion.
  2. Create an online training institute for hyperproductivity, moving up the value chain to enterprises.  Involve more seasoned and sophisticated Scrum trainers and practitioners to create a profit-making online training institute for hyperproductivity in organizations generally.  It would not be limited to engineering, but rather would help whole companies drive down costs, increase revenues, and better serve their users. 
  3. Spin off an incredible product company.  After a few years, we become so good at product management, engineering, finance and collaborating with each other that we spin off our own product company and make millions.


We met to plan an online, interactive agile course, which would include a variety of trainers and speakers.  We wanted to see if we can overcome some of the limitations in remote learning, in order to reach a broader audience.


The organizer, Dan Greening, is the Enterprise ScrumMaster at Citrix Online, which is creating an online training product called GoToTraining.


We created a backlog of items to work on, established a mailing list, and Dan promised to put some stuff together to use the GoToTraining alpha to start a single course.